Values and Commitments
At Relationships Australia Canberra & Region we see, hear and understand our clients and community. We live our values through:
- walking alongside people, their families and communities with kindness and respect;
- being inclusive and warmly welcoming everyone to our organisation;
- committing to the safety and wellbeing of all people, especially children and young people;
- utilising relational and restorative approaches in healing relationships;
- bravely championing human rights and social justice;
- committing to work towards reconciliation with Australia’s First Peoples through truth and story telling
- acting with integrity, being transparent and accountable.
In our Strategic Plan for 2023 to 2028, we have five integrated priority areas of focus.

Supporting respectful relationships
Recognising the positive impact that healthy and respectful relationships have on an individual’s health and wellbeing, we work with couples and families to promote positive connections.
We continue to work with funders and other local service providers to build a collaborative and ‘no wrong door’ support approach.
Developing and implementing service delivery innovations is a key focus to increase accessibility of services, particularly in rural and remote communities, as well as to support families living with domestic and family violence.
Supporting our communities
We have an ongoing commitment to make our organisation one that welcomes all people from all communities, and to work appropriately and respectfully with all who seek our support.
Building on the strengths of our Dhunlung Yarra team, we continue to work with First Nations organisations and local Elders to understand community needs. We continue our commitment to employ and build the capacity of staff identifying as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.
Building our lived experience capability will provide a greater sense of understanding within our organisation, as well as build a bridge between communities and our services.
Supporting people across the lifespan
We are dedicated to providing an improved a system of supports for people across their lifespan, meeting clients of any age with the same passion and commitment.
As a child safe organisation, we are working to ensure the voice of children and young people is heard in all that we do.
We continue to build our capacity, skills and practices to work with the complex needs across the lifespan. We will be working to expand our group program offering for children and young people; and strengthening our capability to support ageing Australians.
Practice excellence and innovation
We are accountable for the continuous improvement of our services to ensure we stay contemporary, safe and effective.
We actively engage in opportunities to partner in research and evaluation, especially in programs that prioritise lived experience and client voices.
Our robust and evidence-informed governance enables us to develop common understandings of safety and quality through a learning culture.
A sustainable organisation
Delicately balance staff wellbeing and community needs with the organisations limited resources, to provide support well into the future.
We leverage emerging technology to provide agile service delivery models and resources to clients and staff; enhance service access and communication; and streamline processes.
Our prioritisation of staff wellbeing, training and professional development will improve our staff’s longevity to support our community.