Children’s Contact Service

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Children’s Contact Service


Share the Care 

A resource to help separating or separated parents collaboratively plan their parenting with the best interests of their child as a priority.

What About the Children? 

Guide for separating parents to assist their children to cope with this life adjustment.


A video explaining what happens at a changeover at one of our Children’s Contact Service centres. Suitable for children.

Supervised Visits

A video overview explaining how a supervised visit works, and what to expect. Suitable for children.

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Children’s Contact Service

The Children’s Contact Service facilitates contact between young people and their families following a separation or relationship breakdown. A safe and supported environment is provided for supervised visits and changeovers.  

Supervised Visits 

There are many reasons families may require supported contact with their children. The Children’s Contact Service allows children to have meaningful interactions with their visiting family member, supervised by our experienced staff.  

Our well-resourced, child- and family-friendly space, focuses on children’s wellbeing and safety during visits.  


The Children’s Contact Service is a neutral venue for children to transfer safely from one parent or family member to another. Changeovers are pre-arranged with drop off and pick up times coordinated to allow children to engage with our staff and decompress before collection.  


Our Children’s Contact Service is available from the Wagga Wagga office.


There are set fees for the Children’s Contact Service.

Fees are payable upfront for the initial three-month period, per party. A following three-month period of services will be payable following a review appointment. 

Fortnightly Supervised Visits

Monthly Supervised Visits

Fortnightly Changeover

$275    (3-month period)

$138    (3-month period)

$128    (3-month period)


Families can self-refer to this service or can be referred by their Solicitor, Family Court or another Community Organisation with the family’s consent.


This service is an affiliate of the Australian Children’s Contact Services Association and operates in line with the Attorney-General’s Department Children’s Contact Services Guiding Principles for Good Practice.

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At Relationships Australia Canberra & Region we are a Child Safe Organisation committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people.