Find & Connect

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Find & Connect

Our Find & Connect service helps to improve the lives of Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants through personalised and trauma-informed support.

Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants are the 500,000+ children who grew up in orphanages, foster care, children’s homes, or other institutions across Australia from the 1920s – 1980s. Over 7,000 of these children were deported from the United Kingdom and Malta. Often children were placed in ‘care’ without their families’ knowledge or consent, resulting in significant trauma and grief.

Our support services include:

  • counselling to help come to terms with your past
  • strategies to understand and manage grief and trauma
  • assistance to search for personal records that may uncover history, trace family and reclaim identity
  • guiding reconnection with families, where possible, and rebuilding relationships
  • coordination to connect with other services and support networks.



Our Find & Connect service is available from our Canberra and Wagga Wagga offices.


This is a free service thanks to the Department of Social Services.  

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