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Coronial Counselling

Free support for bereaved family, friends and community members impacted by a death under investigation through the ACT Coroners Court. Counselling can help individuals to cope with grief and navigate the coronial process.


A safe and supportive environment to talk about challenges you may be experiencing and explore strategies to improve your wellbeing, intimate relationship or family relationships.

Domestic & Family Violence Support

Helps couples and families who have experienced, witnessed, or committed violence or abuse; to bring about positive change and better manage conflict.

Find & Connect

Specialised support for forgotten Australians and former child migrants to understand their trauma, trace their history, and where possible reconnect with loved ones.

Forced Adoption Support

Trauma informed support, advice and case coordination for those impacted by forced adoption practices.

Gambling Support

Free and confidential support for people experiencing harm, or concerned for someone experiencing harm, as a result of gambling.

Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Support

Support for individuals who experienced institutional sexual abuse as a child to apply for compensation through the Redress Scheme.

Safer Pathways for Men

Free and localised support for male victims of domestic and family violence.

Women: Choice & Change

Group program for women who have experienced intimate partner abuse or violence. Share experiences and develop skills to move forward in your life.