Supporting First Nations: Dhunlung Yarra

Dhunlung Yarra, meaning ‘Tell, Talk’, incorporates the language of two Traditional Owners of country in which Relationships Australia Canberra & Region operates – Ngunnawal (Dhunlung) and Wiradjuri (Yarra).

The term ‘Dhunlung Yarra’ holds a special place at Relationships Australia as the way we support and encourage First Nations community members to open up and ‘Tell, Talk’.

We work with individuals, couples and families, to enjoy healthy relationships. Our services include mediation, counselling, and specialised support services for domestic violence, gambling harm, and institutional child sexual abuse. Support can be accessed face-to-face or online.

Our experienced staff provide flexible, safe and culturally appropriate support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, including options for outreach to meet you at a location where you are most comfortable.

We are proud to celebrate the strength in our diverse communities and strive to embed cultural safety into our daily practices.

All staff maintain their cultural fitness, empowering them to work sensitively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Our First Nations team members also provide consultative guidance to staff across all locations to better understand Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ experience.

Related Services


Supports young people with services for mental health; physical health; work and study support; and alcohol and other drug services.

Domestic & Family Violence Support

Helps couples and families who have experienced, witnessed, or committed violence or abuse; to bring about positive change and better manage conflict.